To ensure that all ENZOHAIR clients receive the most accurate hair health assessment for their own personal product prescription, ENZOHAIR has developed a series of proprietary techniques to measure and prescribe hair products and regimen individually tailored to each client. We analyze, diagnose and prescribe hair and scalp products suited to each client’s individual hair type and condition. We take into consideration additional factors such as individual living environments, lifestyle factors and unique personal hairstyles. Whether you live in the tropics or the Alps, close to the sear or in the desert, our ENZOHAIR hair and scalp health products are all varied to accommodate these differential factors. Use hair color? Use Mechanical Styling Tools? These factors and many more weigh in on your final hair health prescription.
Once your hair product selection is prescribed, we ensure supervision of your individual hair solutions making adjustments along the way in order to maximize your short and long term ENZOHAIR results.
For product recommendations, simple take our self hair anaysis to identify the best EnzoSpa product range for your hair type and condtions.
For a more prescriptive Enzohair Holistic solution, simply complete the following questionnaire to help us analyse your hair and scalp condition.